Saturday, August 05, 2006

08/05/2006 - Timeline (Part 1)

Unfortunately I could or rather haven’t found any calendars from 1919. I forgot to look for one from 1916. I don’t think it is terribly important but it would be nice to look at. So, the following is a timeline for the dates that don’t directly happen in May Day’s narrative. Instead most of the dates here are mentioned in passing and don’t have any real importance to the narrative, aside from maybe the dates Sterrett gives. They show how long he has been suffering from his depression and tell us how important Edith is to him.

May Day Timeline:
(By Year and Month)

June1916 -

1. June 21st (Department of Manuscripts and Archives at Yale) – Gordon and Phillip graduate from Yale (page 63).

January 1919 –
1. Gordon begins to fall apart on the inside. "Things have been snapping inside me for four months like little hooks on a dress, and it's about to come off when a few more hooks go" (page 92).

February 1919 –
1. At some point in February, Gordon returns from the war boat sailing from France (page 65). He arrives on one of the following vessels, the Agamemnon, Samarinda, Absecon, Touraine, Pueblo, Orizaba, or the Manchuria (New York Times). He would have arrived anywhere from February 3rd to February 22nd. He stays in Harrisburg for a month (page 65).

March 1919 –
1. It is revealed that Edit first starts to desire to see Gordon again during March. It is a wonder that the two never met up in Harrisburg when Gordon went back home. "The twist of her imagination which, two months before, had disclosed to her unguessed desire to see him again" (page 86).
2. Peter Himmel begins his special delivery terms with Edith during March, "For a matter of two months he had been on special delivery terms with Edith Bradin" (page 93).

April 1919 –
1. At some point in April Edith turns 22 (page 64).
2. April 10th - Again Jewel accuses Gordon of neglecting her, however this time instead of ten days she says three weeks. "You haven't been near me for three weeks" (page 102).
3. April 22nd - Gordon stops seeing Jewel, " You haven't been near me for ten days" (page 101).
4. April 24th – According to the conversation Gordon has with Phillip his problems begin here. "Well, things came to a crisis about a week ago" (page 66).
5. April 28th – Carrol Key and Gus Rose come home from fighting in World War One. They too, leave from France (page 74). They return on the America (New York Times).
6. April 30th - Gordon gets fired from his job due to excessive calls from Jewel (page 66).

May 1919 –
1. May 1st and 2nd – The narrative and main events of the story take place during both May first and second.
2. May 4th, 12:00 p.m. - Edith and Henry's proposed lunch date before his leg is broken during the mob attack on the offices of the New York Trumpet (page 105).

Fitzgerald, F. Scott. “May Day”. Tales of the Jazz Age. First Pine Street Books: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2003.

“35 Soldiers Hurt In Atlantic Storm.” New York Times. 4 Feb. 1919:3.
“Vanguard Of 27th Reaches New York With Tale Of Valor.” New York Times. 20 Feb.1919:1.
“Storms Buffeted Troops On 4 Ships.” New York Times. 23 Feb. 1919:5.
“Expects Full 77th In Time For Parade.” New York Times. 28 Apr. 1919:4.


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